
Distinguished Daughters of Pennsylvania is a project of the non-profit Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC). Donations can be directed to TFEC in support of the Distinguished Daughters of Pennsylvania. Your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank you for your support of our program. Please consider sending a donation today, and be as generous as you can be.

You have several options for making your contribution to Distinguished Daughters of Pennsylvania:

Click here to make a secure, online donation through The Foundation for Enhancing Communities. You will receive confirmation of your donation and a receipt that documents your charitable contribution to the Distinguished Daughters.

If you prefer to mail a check please send it payable to “Distinguished Daughters of PA” and send it to:

Siobhan Reardon
7 N. Columbus Boulevard
Unit 242
Philadelphia, PA 19106

TFEC will acknowledge each of your contributions with a letter confirming the tax-deductible nature of your gifts.

Finally, you could make a gift to the Distinguished Daughters to honor, or in memory of another Daughter. This could be in a trust, will, or other legal document that bequeaths a gift to our organization.

We depend on your annual contributions to carry on our business, including:

  • Correspondence to about 400 nominating organizations, new DD's, the Governor's office and others. This includes printing and postage for nomination packets and programs for the Annual Presentation Luncheon.
  • Gold medals for the new DDs.
  • Venue charges for the Regional and Statewide meetings which are now conducted on a hybrid basis -- with both onsite and electronic video participation.

Donations are to be mailed to:

Siobhan Reardon
7 N. Columbus Boulevard
Unit 242
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Distinguished Daughters of Pennsylvania is a project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, fiscal sponsor.

The official registration and financial information of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Foundation for Enhancing Communities is registered in each state requiring such registration.

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