Judith Thomas Horgan
Judith Thomas Horgan has been instrumental in improving the juvenile justice system in Allegheny County. As a volunteer, she founded Child Watch of Pittsburgh, which has made great strides in mobilizing the community to focus on the needs of at-risk young people. In addition to providing direct support to children, Child Watch plays an important role in forging collaborative networks to address the complex issues confronting youth and their families.
In addition, Judy has served on the Boards of a number of agencies that promote programs for girls and boys including the Allegheny County Children Youth & Families Advisory Board, the Children’s Home of Pittsburgh, the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh where she served as President, and others. Judy is also a Trustee of Allegheny College.
Organizations such as the League of Women Voters, The Pittsburgh Foundation and the United Way of Allegheny County have honored her accomplishments.
Through her many successful endeavors, Judith Horgan is creating a better environment for some of our most vulnerable children.
She is a graduate of Allegheny College and pursued graduate studies at the University of Pittsburgh.