Debra McCloskey Todd, J.D., LL.M.

DEBRA MCCLOSKEY TODD, J.D., LL.M, is the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The Honorable Justice Todd was elected to the Pennsylvania Superior Court in 1999 and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2007. On October 1, 2022, she became Pennsylvania’s first female Chief Justice in the Court’s 300-year history. Todd began her career as an in-house litigation attorney for US Steel Corporation and later entered private practice as a trial attorney. She chaired the Supreme Court’s Elder Law Task Force and is the Court’s Liaison to the Advisory Council on Elder Justice in the Courts and the Pennsylvania Veterans Courts. She received her BA from Chatham College, JD from The University of Pittsburgh, and LL.M. from the University of Virginia. Chief Justice Todd and her husband, Attorney Stephan K. Todd, live in Pittsburgh.